pia park (dot) me

Year of unknown-unknown

Wrapping up 2023, the year that I could compressively experience the world while traveling (total 44 flights). Read a pretty nice mental framework about unknown known recently, Based on this framework during this year expanded unknown unknown area that finally now turned into the stage of settlement.



Started to think that everything should be simple at the end. The great explanation is very simple and intuitive. Great code is simple and easy to follow. Great productivity often comes from a simple lifestyle. Mastering often comes from focusing on priorities.

Can say this as choose and focus. This context simply doesn’t mean just cutting off everything. Just being more picky about every input and output of self.

Had enough exploration this year ( at least for now ), and found out things that I’m good and passionate about, I’m going to focus on these topics first.


By default, I like being non-deterministic. Don’t be stuck in one mental model and viewpoint, don’t too strongly believe in one thing except for self-existence. This attitude keeps open for all other different things like different cultures, different common sense, different preferences, different mindsets.

While traveling the world for the first time, everything challenges my openness. Most of the flights are purposed to participate in hackathons and conferences, I met so many people, mostly smart people. People all have totally different backgrounds. Had deep and shallow relationships with those people and observed so many reactions from different situations. Shared different challenges that each one faced during life.

Ironically end of the year I established more preferences and standards to judge things. And feel know myself better than before. But just to keep aware to be open if want to follow what is real. Because in the end everything is perception and humans just deliver very superficial levels. So keep open to different inputs.


In the anime ‘friren’, Heiter said: “I’m just acting like an adult to praise and guide the next generation.”

Thanks to travel, I become a bit different person. Being patient for things I’m waiting for. Stabilize the emotions like extreme joy or depression. Care about people who make me keep alive. And admit mistakes and take responsibility.

Trying to learn from the past and keep going, and try to be more kind to people on the way. I might just act like an adult but at least I’m trying.


Finally, the most valuable lesson is love. Love the life that I’m living. That I’m growing that I’m making mistakes that I’m interacting with people that I love. And love the unexpected moments and am excited about them day by day. Respect people be grateful for moments and just enjoy everything.

Had a wonderful year in that I was able to work on something exciting and I was able to learn a lot. Met so many great people and kept valuable relationships, it all stays in my memory.

So just love the life and enjoy the moments.
